How to Prepare to Try New Restaurants

We all struggle finding new places to check out to go out to eat. What if they don't have anything good on the menu that you're craving? What if you are craving something and it tastes awful once you get it? We've all had some pretty bad experiences at some restaurants and we know we won't be returning, but that shouldn't make us afraid to try new places! Before you make a commitment to go somewhere new read these quick and easy steps to prepare for a new restaurant.

Step 1: Get at least one friend who is willing to try a new place out with you.
Step 2: Google around for restaurants in one area.
Step 3: Don't read Yelp reviews. We all know the only people who use yelp are those who have had really bad experiences. Unless they have a bunch of reviews on their page don't read them.
Step 4: Go directly to their website. They will most likely have their menu available and maybe even a few pictures of their food and what the restaurant actually looks like. Some restaurants even have their drink menu posted and who doesn't love to try a new drink when they go out!
Step 5: Decide if you and whoever else you're going with will actually want to eat what's on the menu. If no then repeat steps 3-5.
Step 6: Make a plan to go there if its not already the night of.
Step 7: Plan a fall back restaurant nearby that you already know you will like.
Step 8: Go to this restaurant and see if its up to your standards!

If you are still hesitant on trying somewhere new in the Boston area and would like good reputable sources feel free to ask us to try it out! You can save yourself the horror of some restaurants.  Comment on our Facebook, Instagram, or this blog!


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